Noonday Collection #styleforjustice update
It all started a week ago with this video. I instantly felt a tug at my heart, and called my friend Steve in the middle of the night. And that is where, I need to start thanking people....
THANK YOU STEVE for putting together my video, and THANK YOU PASCHA for putting beautiful flowers in the background and letting me film in your beautiful new home. You will never know, what your "YES" has ignited in me.
THANK YOU FAMILY! Mom, Dad, Sister ~ You literally voted, shared, encouraged, and told every person you know. You even changed your profile picture to my face. I will never be able to adequately express what you three mean to me. I am so blessed that God gave me you.
Crossfit BOLT Friends aka ~ the STORM CENTER. It was a big weekend, we traveled to SanAntonio to cheer on our own Cass and Sam it was their weekend, and you were there to support and spectate..... yet, YOU all asked me details, challenged me to keep it up, and kept voting and asking strangers to vote on my behalf. Our gym is not just a gym.... its an extended family.
Kenya friends ~ you rallied around me... you prayed for me, and woke me up every morning and reminded me to post something and not give up. You inspired me with your love for all of Africa. You all changed my heart and life forever 10 years ago. I am so blessed by that time, and am blessed everyday by our friendship.
Coffee Talk Girls, Sam & Cody, and CHS friends - why you still hang out with me with all of my questions, and "non-cool" ways I do not know. You still promoted me and my cause. You inspire me daily. Thanks for loving this "old lady"
Social Media Friends - you shared, you prayed, you liked, you tweeted, you retweeted, you private messaged, and you voted. I was BLOWN away by your constant support.
Teachers who bribed their kids to vote for me.... you know who you are and I love you for your determination and creativity.
My Darling Matthew - you challenge me daily to be the best I can be. You told me to go for it, and to not look back. You encouraged me to be brave, and share my heart. I am blessed by you, and glad you embrace my endeavors. Thank you for being the one I share dreams with.
Noonday Collection, IJM, Jen, Jennie, Kelle, Raechel, Emily, Jessica, Paige, & Wynne, thank you for challenging the world, to dream big dreams, and to fight for others. Thank you for the opportunity for a chance to go with you! Thank you for putting up with my "@" tags! I am praying for you and your individual causes. I am also praying for your decisions on the next round of voting!
Although I did not make it into the top 7, I am blessed beyond belief. God has a race marked just for me, and I am running it with a new found passion and encouragement. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Now make sure you hold me accountable to being brave, taking chances, and showing others HIS love.
What is GOD asking you to be brave with? What is the race HEs called you to? Please share below, I would love to pray over it!