I'm Robyn. Currently: Co-Founder of FLORALgeek.com & REVPARplus. Marketing/Floral/Event Design Guru.

My resume reads like a novel...I've owned a luxury event/wedding business known for creative floral, & attention to detail that included 3 retail locations, a team of 45, & a reality tv show.  I have planned & implemented all manner of details for events from everyday business meet and greets for pro athletes, senators, billionaires, & charity functions.  I've consulted companies on their business development strategy, built & managed sales teams, project managed technology development & created many creative campaigns deployed in all types of digital media channels. Have a special need or project? No problem. I'm at your service.



I'm blessed to know some of the most talented florists & gift artisans in the world.  Need to send a perfect something? No worries! I have you covered.  Click the link above...it will let them know I sent you.  Try out the site & let me know how you like it! Smiles, Joy, & WOW factor guaranteed. 



Are you a hotelier? A b&b owner, a real-estate mogul, or a purveyor of hospitality in someway? The link above will lead you to the umbrella company that will give you access to adding additional revenue to your property by monetizing all your digital marketing channels.  Lets improve your bottom line with a click!


photos by the lovely & talented Rachael Wise Photography